Sunday, 9 August 2009

My first hand-made Cuppy Cakes..

Yesterday, August 8, we were celebrating Syikin's Birthday.. So, we decided to make cuppy cakes despite the alat2 nak decorate takder sangat..

so,presenting my cuppy cakes decorations..


P/s: Happy Birthday to Wan, Cikgu Rahim.. (My-Father-in-law)

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Kenyonhall Farm ~ Fruit Picking

Last weekend, we went to Kenyonhall Farm, Warrington. It's 30 minutes from my home. I had fun with 1st time 'berry' fruit picking.. Fruit picking rambutan pernah tau!

Nothing much to say, Enjoice..

Thursday, 2 July 2009

My taught module result..

Last tuesday after meeting Chloe, I've decided to do some shopping.. It's summer sale..
Apa yang I shopping?? (tak ckp pun kat my hubby.., abg here it is...)
  • Blazer from Debenham
  • Cover Duvet Queen and Single
  • A Prestige Knives Set
  • Crocs Sandals for my beloved hubby
  • A day Dress from H&M
  • Another day dress
Balik from shopping trus collapse.. kaki pun lenguh.. takder org nak tolong urut.. :(
A'way, it's big fun tho.. shopping.. biasala kan..

Exam result...
On the way back, i've got an email from university abt my result.. It was on the bus..
unfortunately, my phone couldn't manage to display the uni email.. so, dalam bus.. hati memang tak tenang sebab one of the paper, i tak le nak jawab dgn elok sangat.. it was suck.. and disepanjang perjalanan.. rasa mcm lambatnyer nak sampai rumah...

When i got into home, quickly switch ON my laptop and cepat2 tgk result.. full of debaran...

hmm.. below is the email..

Dear Nur Faizah

Following this afternoon's MSc Examination Board, I am pleased to confirm that you have successfully passed the taught element of the MSc in Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences. Your individual unit marks are now available to see on the Faculty intranet.

With best wishes,

Liz Venn
Education Officer
Faculty of Life Sciences
G726 Stopford Building
University of Manchester

Alhamdulillah... I didn't care how much i've got but the thing is I passed!! I'm glad that i'm able to complete this module taught successfully.. It was really tough course for me and I shouldn't recommend my friends for doing master here.. A'way.. Syukur sangat2..

Thanks to my husband yang tak jemu bagi semangat dan doakan untuk afee.. My family, -in-laws and my siblings that are always pray and give me kata2 nasihat..

Tapi, bila ingat2 balik.. memang suffered la jugak.. menangis, rasa down tak payah kira la kan..
a'way.. this is 'part of test yang diberikan...' mengajar kita untuk lebih matang dalam menghadapi perkara mendatang...

Allah does not burden any soul but to its capacity. For it is what it earns, and against it is what it does. "Our Rabb! do not take us to task if we forget, or we make a mistake; our Rabb! and do not lay upon us a burden as you had lain on those before us; our Rabb! and do not impose upon us that for which no strength have we. Therefore pardon us; and grant us protection; and be kind to us. You are our Patron; therefore help us over the Unbelieving people."


X-tra 5 hours...

Today's 8 Rejab 1430..
I decided to fast.. it's actually somehow to show my thankfulness to Allah as i managed to pass successfully the first half part of my MSc. IOVS.. I'll tell you why I'm so happy of this result even tho it is not the final result yet..

Well, what is different in my fasting today is i'm fasting in summer time in Manchester!
Let me tell you the difference... Fajr begins at 2.41am and i have to sahur before that time.. I had air milo (i like) and a toast bread with olive butter and honey..
And the maghrib or the time i break my fast is at 9.41pm!! I'm fasting about 19 hours!! lama kan.. this is my first time..!!
rasa lembik jugak la.. after doing house and room cleaning i slept 2 hours.. (makruh pahala puasa afee..huhuhu)

my menu for iftar today...

Nasi Goreng Kampung Padang Air
Tom Yam Manchester
Carrot Juice Afee
Puding Jagung St Bees Close
Fish Finger Asda

Orait gonna prepare for my iftar...

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Circle of mind..


Feel very dispointed with myself after reading few blogs that are really enlighten me.

I've got everything and capable of doing something yet produced nothing..

Terasa sangat kerdil dan jahil dalam melahirkan rasa syukur di atas apa nikmat yang telah diberikan..

Push the envelope now or never!!

“What is needed now is not a shining sword, but a very sharp mind” – Saying of A Sage

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

bicara diri..

Kadang-kadang diri ini banyak berfikir mengenai tujuan hidup. Memangla semua orang cakap ingin berjaya dunia dan akhirat, ingin mendapat kebahagian, kesenangan hidup dunia apatah lagi akhirat kelak...
Namun, practically.. have you done anythings to achieve those targets and aims? If yes, how you did that, was your action definitely towards your aims above or I did this because everyone did the same things.

Sejenak berbicara dengan diri.. Diri berkata,
"banyak lagi ilmu aku yang perlu dipelajari, benyak lagi perkara yang aku harus faham, banyak lagi perkara yang aku harus tumpu dan banyak juga perkara yang aku harus abaikan.."

Diri berbicara lagi..
"Aku harus pandai melihat keutamaan, kenal diri dan understand fundamental needed in myself"

Bukan diri ini tidak mengerti gelodak jiwa.. Ya, resah dan gelisah itu sentiasa ada.. Namun harapannya tidak buntu untuk mencari jalan keluar kepada permasalahan ini..

Saturday, 13 June 2009


Posted by PicasaSuatu petang yang dingin @ Whitworth Park

Friday, 12 June 2009

tak tertahan..

I'm missing someone.. I am indeed..

Ya Allah, semoga hambaMu dapat bertahan..


Thursday, 11 June 2009

Qurratul 'Ain..

I don't want to be a just normal wife to my beloved husband but i do want to be an
extraordinary wife that whenever he sad, he will smile if looking at me.. whenever he lost of words, i can help to continue the sentences, whenever he down, i could be a good supporter for him and whatever, where
ever or whenever the situations are, i will a good assistant for him.. Ameen..

I got this from this page.. I thought it would be very beautiful message that could be shared

Mari hayati pesanan isteri ‘Auf bin Muhlim Ashaibani kepada puterinya ketika hendak bernikah dengan al Haris bin Amr, raja negeri Kandah. Sewaktu utusan diraja hendak membawa pengantin untuk disampaikan kepada raja, ibunya berwasiat kepada anak perempuannya:

“Wahai anakku! Kalaulah wasiat ini untuk kesempurnaan adabmu, aku percaya kau telah mewarisi segala-galanya, tetapi ia sebagai peringatan untuk yang lalai dan pedoman kepada yang berakal.

Andai kata wanita tidak memerlukan suami kerana berasa cukup dengan kedua ibu bapanya, tentu ibumu adalah orang yang paling berasa cukup tanpa suami. Tetapi wanita diciptakan untuk lelaki dan lelaki diciptakan untuk mereka.

Wahai puteriku, Sesungguhnya engkau akan meninggalkan rumah tempat kamu dilahirkan dan kehidupan yang telah membesarkanmu untuk berpindah kepada seorang lelaki yang belum kamu kenal dan teman hidup yang baru. Kerana itu, jadilah 'budak' wanita baginya, tentu dia juga akan menjadi 'budak' bagimu serta menjadi pendampingmu yang setia.

Peliharalah sepuluh sifat ini terhadapnya, tentu ia akan menjadi perbendaharaan yang baik untukmu.

Pertama dan kedua, berkhidmat dengan rasa puas serta taat dengan baik kepadanya.

Ketiga dan keempat, memerhatikan tempat pandangan matanya dan bau yang diciumnya. Jangan sampai matanya memandang yang buruk daripadamu dan jangan sampai dia mencium kecuali yang harum daripadamu.

Kelima dan keenam, memerhatikan waktu tidur dan waktu makannya, kerana lapar yang berlarutan dan tidur yang terganggu dapat menimbulkan rasa marah.

Ketujuh dan kelapan, menjaga hartanya dan memelihara kehormatan serta keluarganya. Perkara pokok dalam masalah harta adalah membuat anggaran dan perkara pokok dalam keluarga adalah pengurusan yang baik.

Kesembilan dan kesepuluh, jangan membangkang perintahnya dan jangan membuka rahsianya. Apabila kamu tidak mentaati perintahnya, bererti kamu melukai hatinya. Apabila kamu membuka rahsianya kamu tidak akan aman daripada pengkhianatannya.

Kemudian janganlah kamu bergembira di hadapannya ketika dia bersedih atau bersedih di hadapannya ketika dia bergembira. Jadilah kamu orang yang sangat menghormatinya, tentu dia akan sangat memuliakanmu.

Jadilah kamu orang yang selalu sepakat dengannya, tentu dia akan sangat belas kasihan dan sayang kepadamu.

Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan dapat apa yang kamu inginkan sehingga kamu mendahulukan keredaannya daripada keredaanmu, dan mendahulukan kesenangannya daripada kesenanganmu, baik dalam hal yang kamu sukai atau yang kamu benci dan Allah akan memberkatimu.”

Credit to:


Sunday, 7 June 2009

The first step...


We always afraid for the first step.. ikut la dalam apa-apa hal.. Mesti memakan masa yang lama untuk sesuatu permulaankan..kan-kan.. So do I, especially pabila bab-bab menulis ni..

Well the best way to start (as Sonia told me, as Henson told her) is to write down lots of subheadings to form your introduction of your thesis. for example, mine is like this:

Pupil size and Iris Colour
Pupil size and LASIK
Pupil size and Higher Order Aberration
pupil size and Drugs that influence
Pupil size and seasonal Variation

Once you've done that write bullet points under each heading so you get an idea of what to discuss Make sure you write journal names in the subheadings as well. Keep this as a plan on a separate sheet on the computer so you can keep looking back and tick things off (I highlight them a different colour after i've discussed it), and add any new ideas in the right places. It also helps you from getting confused about which paragraph goes where.

For ages I just did reading and added main points from the journals into the plan. Mine came to only few pages of bullet points coz it was stucked by flu and fever.. But it really helps because you can just easily expand these points afterwards (on a separate file because you dont want to ruin your plan - keep it as a reference!). I'm really glad Sonia gave me this idea because it really helps!

Try it!! Then you know...:)

yang telah dan terus melawan virus selsema nih!!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Flu and Runny and Blocked Nose

yesterday, i've frequently got sneezing together with runny nose. It's sign form me usually.. but yesterday, i just hold it until my lunch as i wish to had budu with ikan singgan.. But, unfortunately my flu came faster than my wish.. so, there's no budu but i've got banyak pills and syrups to makan.. semalam.. sleep with blocked nose...

today, it's getting worse!! I just laid on my bed until got new pain i.e. back pain.. and nothing is done coz i'm too weak.. this is the most worst demam in UK.. i need my husband, my ummi..

luckily, i've got semangat from my husband.. Thanks dear.. He said:

halim: be strong dear...
halim: nak lawan selsema ni takleh ikut dia...
halim: kena kuat lawan
halim: mcm abg hr tu la
halim: 5 hr

hopefully, i'm getting better tomorrow... 5 days too long for me to have this inluenza.
Banyak kerja awaiting me.. :(

Alhamdulillah.. thanks Allah for giving this opportunity to feel pain and makes me realize that, i've been quite ignorant of my health lately and less syukur..
Moga2 flu ni dapat hapus my dosa dosa kecil..

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

What and how to measure?

Visage Cambridge Research System

I'm talking about my new project so called measuring the habitual pupil size and it's color. Well, it is obviously to looked if there any relation between pupil size and the iris colour despite to measure pupil diameter size on 2 different illuminations scotopic (<> 50 lux). Both of these need to be measured first prior data collection. 

Well, the problem is how to measure. Emm, today i was introduced a new instrument called Visage Cambridge Research System. Honestly it looks like an old monitor with weird stuff but it is very brilliant and wicked in measuring data with numerous stimuli that could be performance. Okay, just straight to the point, I somehow do not understand how it works!!!! Argghhh..

A'way, back to the methodology part.. what i need to measure are:
  1. Refractive error (to avoid bias as hyperopic tends to have smaller pupil compare to myopic)
  2. Pupil Size (needs to be done in 2 illuminations - i need figure out how to measure the lux so that it must represents the scotopic and photopic; what is the target, how and either to control illumination of the room or the monitor ataupun kedua2nyer skali)
  3. The Latency Pupil Reflex (a condition when stimulus (flash light) is given and the pupil reaches the maximum constriction)
  4. The Dynamic Pupil reflex (a condition when the pupil need to change from scotopic to photopic condition. How does it take? i think it must be in second)
  5. The Iris photo (i need to have tripod so that it helps me to produce good quality of pictures without flash so that iris grouping can be done precisely)
The problem is: How to command the Visage Cambridge Research System (HS video tracker tools nie) to follow what you need for the outcome???
  • Command tu kena, prepare betul2 what u need to measure and asked Henson how to do it..
  • Well, maybe for #2; u just need to set up in those 2 ills and measure them from very beginning till the last (the special about this alat, it got 250Hz digital camera: meaning that it can capture the 250 images in a second!!!) thus, bayangkan how many images would be captured if the duration pupil changes from sco to pho more than 3 minutes!!!) Such a waste data....
  • However, by doing that, u could measure accurately the pupil changing..:) ~ aim #3 and #4 accomplished!! BUT: i need it in form of chart.. then, need to figure out how to do that.. And a lot of analysis need to be carried out later... SPSS x install lagi..
How to categorized your data so that it produces a good quality of data even the results give no significant difference (satu benda lagi need to open the statistic book....)

And Pilot study needs to be held so that u know whether the instrument can provide what u want.. Is it follow all your hypothesis or expectation..

During this time, u need to look whether or this instrument measure the pupil dynamic and pupil latency..

Hmmm.. seems that lots and lots of stuff need to be carried out.. 

Salam fae..

Meet  u  again!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Our Special Day ~ Happy 2nd Anniversary dear..

Alhamdulillah.. 2 years i've been a wife of Mr WH.. I'm so honoured to be ur wife and very much thanks for what we have been go through together for all this while.. And I know it was not so easy for us to maintain the long distance relationship however we made up because we trusted to each other and i'll always trust, believe and support u always dear. As this is another year of our marriage, may it is always blooming and flourish every moments till death aparts.. 
I love u, abg...

Another year to create
precious memories together.
Another year to discover
new things to enjoy about each other.
Another year to build
a life rich in love and laughter.
Another year to strengthen
a marriage that defines "forever."

Happy Anniversary!

By Joanna Fuchs

Sunday, 31 May 2009

A day to our special moments..

Well, it's just a day more to my special and memorable moments with my beloved husband..

The day that has changed my life..

The day that has changed my status..

The day that is really meant for us..

xoxo ;)

Friday, 15 May 2009

Special to my lovely hubby

hi dear..

em.. i'm feeling lonely again..huh..
but, thanks for your stay here.. it was almost 2 weeks but,
time goes quickly.. spending time together was so overwhelming..

a night at Martin Lurther King Hotel, explored the untouched beauty of Peak District, journey to Leeds, picnic at Lortherton Park, a romantic dinner at Ning, indulged yummy Thornton's chocolate ice cream, an awesome Star Trek, boring Trafford Centre and a great shopping at Tkmaxx made me so excited!! Plus with the sesat-sesat cari jalan.. 

It was great honeymoon dear.. 
Thank you..
Promise me that you will love me always even at the time u hatred me..:)

love u always..

Thursday, 5 March 2009

i've been tagged.. here's the answer


erm.. this test is quite ironic..

Do you think you don't know enough about yourself that you have to take a quiz created by God-knows-who to determine who you really are ? Doesn't matter the answer is yes or no, coz you're it! =P

Open this website :

Your view on yourself

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you. (terima kaseh.. don't mention it..;>)

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. (ini kena tanya my hubby ni.. abang, betul kan kan..huhu)

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. (that's why i'm married at the age of 22..wink!!)

The seriousness of your love:Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates. (no comment... not valid since the day i tied knot with my hubby)

Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. (sebab tu la sanggup berjauhan ngan suami tercinta, keluarga tersayang..sob..sob)

The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. (semua orang pun macam tu kan..)

How do you view success:You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying. (yer ker..? a'way thanks sebab bagi semangat!!)

What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. ( okay.. seems to be in devil wears prada jer..)

Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. ( Sometimes it works and most of the time it is working..hehehe..)

i think some of the explanations given hit me and some of them are fairly right.. i don't know..

P/s: Abg.. why don't u try this test.. it won't take much time.. only 5 minutes dear :)

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

i'm not feeling well + BMW 320i SE

salam dear..

instead of writing u an email, i thought that maybe i can upload my blog as well.. So, menyelam sambil minum air.. apa kena mengena dengan title di atas..??

emm.. i'm not really feeling well today.. Actually it started last night as i got itchness in my throat and stopless sneezing as well as runny nose.. huhu.. so, last night i went bed so early around 9 and wake up by the weird dream at 2.30am! huh...

this morning, i have my corneal physiology class and it finished till 1pm then I catched the bus to home.. after that, i made my promised to accompany my housemate, mira to look at her new car (actually her mother's car).. it was so nice, posh and sleek gitu.. BMW 32oi SE.. black, leather seat with 6 level of gear and in fact it used to be a company car so, the past services guaranteed with the BMW.. price?? 6990 gbp..worth it kan... guess what?? i'm the one who suggested this car to her..huhu.

ni la model kereta yang di bualkan..

it's very fortunate coz we arrived just on time because the car was hunted few more people.. siapa cepat dia dapat la kan..:)

winter is ending soon but the freezing cold seems that it'll take more months to go.. So, with my body in so-so condition.. i was being 'touched' by coldness again then it makes feel so weak.. selsema, badan da seram sejuk da..

manage to attend the kuliah virtually runs by mcotian with half awake. in fact, i manage to email by husband a short paragraph.. sorry dear.. afee tak larat.. a'way, i just have my selsema pils, and panadol as well as panadol soluble..

orait.. afee nak tidur..

warmest regards,


i'll think twice before buying car here.. ;)
it's not so easy to buy a car and to post it to ur home country

  1. u need to kereta yang suit dengan ur selera
  2. u need to have an insurance of ur car, otherwise u'll catch by police (as u get older, the more cheaper the insurance is)
  3. u need to have road tax by 6 months or annually
  4. u need to apply ur AP
  5. u need to survey which shipping companies that provide good offer
  6. u need to use that car within 9 months and if not, u need to back date the purchasing date
  7. u need to find people that can make the back date (of course u need to place money around 3.5K rm)
  8. u need to total up all the tax (50% of the car value, and not necessarily depends on the purchased price), duti import and some more other taxes
  9. roughly speaking, u need around 3/4 of ur car value.. for example: if ur car 7000, u need to add 3/4 out of 7000, i.e 5250 + 7000 = 12,250gbp ~ 70,000rm for a posh car la..:) but still murah lagi.. (coz, i did survey kat m'sia dalam 160K for a BMW.. u still untung la..)
  10. then, finally u really time to manage all this procedures!!!!

Monday, 23 February 2009

School trip.. ahaks :)

Last sunday, my frens (Sonia and Ramesh) went to Southampton for a Contact lens visit..:)

Below are some of the picts taken during the trip.. Enjoice ;)

take a break jap kat Coventry

after 4 and 30 mins in the coach, sampai jugak akhirnya..

kena disinfect dari atas sampai ke kasut before masuk manufacturing department. Sterility is essential in CL production

with sonia ~ my only female classmate
with May ~ Jordanian just came to Manchester for her Ph.D
together in this trip were 2nd year Optometry student, Man Univ and Philip Morgan, my co-ordinator for this module (the one who sits on the signage block)

Sunday, 8 February 2009

not in the mood..

My weekend filled with jamuan makan2 starting from friday nite, saturday lunch and another lunch on sunday. On the friday night Shikin has made very delicious Asam Pedas originally recipe from Malacca. It was nice together with telur dadar and stir fry veggie. That nite we are also planning our trip to Scotland.. particularly Edinburgh. My husband was there abt 2 years ago but this is not right timing for me to ask any suggestions of where are the interesting places there. I know u can only 'google' it but.. saje nak manja-manja ngan my hubby..

on Saturday, we have a CNY celebration kat belakang rumah.. Moss Side Sport Center but there's no Chinese cuisines there. Hmm.. takpe.. tak kesah pun coz i'm not really big fan of chinese food ni.. and today, we are inviting Wee and his wife, Intan and their son, Iman having lunch here. Ayam tandori with veggie soup and 'sambal ketuk'. after that, we went to China town and Asda Hulme for groccery shopping.

And this weekend, i haven't do anything for my kerja sekolah.. Malas nyer rasa!! Benci bila ada perasaan macam ni tau! I need my spirit back.. Come..come where are u now?? I need you..
Come back to me!! Please.. I'm begging you..

p/s: Fae, Banyak kan solat sunat, ngaji Quran and muhasabah balik urself..
I knew that, maybe i was too enjoyed over this weekend.. So, muhasabah balik ur relationship with Sang Pencipta!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Nur 'Umairatul Zahriyyah..such a beautiful name..

Introducing Umaira to the world!
afee and amu halim got a new 'anak buah'..

Congratulations to abah (a.apic) and mama (k.zimah) for such cute baby gurl

She entered the world so called bumi at 7.40pm on 5 February 2009..

Umaira, u will owe afee for this specially post for introducing you the world!

I can't wait to meet u..:)

p/s: erm..waiting for another baby from a.toha and k.ida

Emergency General Meeting..

Below are some picts taken on 4th Feb.. Courtsey: ManuniOccupation

Luar Kawasan Manchester Academy..

Students are entering the VC's Building

Revising demands and perkara2 berbangkit..

Yesterday, i went to EGM in response of Gaza crisis that was held in Manchester Academy. This meeting is basically to urge the Manchester Uni to have their says in Gaza crisis, particularly about the palestinian. The meeting was held at 1pm and it aims to gather around 500 people. However, some of the students were denied to get tru the building and in fact the clock wasn't at 1 pm yet..

Luckily for me after having the POTHD (Physiology of Ocular Tissue in Health and Disease) class, i was directly to the buliding and performed my Zuhr inside the building. Erm.. after 30 mins of waiting, suddenly one of students complaints abt the denial of student to enter and there's a big argument there between students and pro-jews. Here, i can see, jewish is really smart in manipulating and playing with words! Because of the argument, the meeting was cancel and people seems very unsatisfied with student union council.

After that, we are all decided to occupied the VC building in solidatary of Gaza crisis so that VC knows what we want. Below are basically the demands made by the students:

1) University of Manchester should issue a formal statement condemning Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, acknowledging particularly the effect on educational institutions such as the bombing of the Gaza Islamic University and expressing concern about war crimes allegations.

2) Support a day of fundraising proceeds to DEC

3) All furniture & surplus supplies from building that are being renovated to be sent to Gaza on the Viva Palestina convey..

4) Stop selling Israeli good on university premises

5) That the university divests from all companies involved at all in the arms trade & end all research with these companies on campus

6) University to publicise DEC advert in any way possible (including banner on the website) and put pressure on the BBC and sky to show the DEC advert.

There are still students in that building and in fact 60 students were overnight. And today, VC commands (with help by police) the students to leave the building at 5pm and till i wrote this (8.38pm), polices are blocked all ways to that building and once you out you cannot return and till now, probably some of students are straving because of no students are allowed to enter that building anymore. The interesting part is, i can see the integration of the students regardless of faith and race. In fact, they have very good plans to make fully used of the time when the occupied is running like debates, film showing on Gaza crisis and etc..

I've never had this experience before.. It's quite scarry but there's something i've learned!

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

suffer ends

exam da habis!!
after exam, i went straight to picadilly for some shop (again..?)
this is so called post-exam-shopping. Hmm, shopping to release some of the tense
that is really burden and suffered my mind, body and soul.

Jane Norman, here i come.. I bought a plain reddish dress with elegant cuffling..wicked!:)
A'way, happy..

well, today is such long day.. after exam went to picadilly and did some shop and back to school attends my 1st class for this term.. it was concofocal microscopy for contact lens examination. the surprising thing is, the speaker is from Australia. in fact he was formely the course coordinator for Msc IOVS.. jeng jeng.. Nathan Efron, super duper specialist in contact lens..
hehe.. and i used some of his books as text books as well.. brilliant!

then after class went to Rusholme alone to have my lunch and dinner at the Chicken Cottage more or less is like KFC especially the original recepies. then, balik layan movie..
Bride Wars and Grey's Anatomy 5..

end of the long day with full of activities..

Friday, 23 January 2009

Aku pohon dengan amat..

Ya Allah
Kuatkan la hati hambaMu dalam mengharungi
segala ujian dan cabaran yang datang
kuatkan lah semangat untuk meneruskan kehidupan ini

Ya Allah,
Aku pohon dengan amat
Agar aku tergolong dalam golongan yang engkau redhai

Ya Allah,
Berikanla kekuatan supaya aku tidak berhenti berharap dariMu,
Berikanla kekuatan untuk ku mengharungi ujianMu

Ya Allah,
Berikanla aku ketenangan jiwa
Berikanla aku peluang untuk berbakti
Kepada agamaMu, suamiku, kedua ibubapaku, keluargaku

Ya Allah,
Aku pohon kepadaMu untuk hamba yang soleh,
Isteri solehah
Anak solehah
Ibu mithali

Ya Allah
Kuatkan la dan tabahkan la hati hambaMu yang dhaif ini.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

ends of waiting

smiley face.. :)

Alhamdulillah.. even only 7 seven days i had manage to spend them as meaningful and precious moments for my hubby and I.

7 days of full activities, dari semua segi..yang berfaedah sampaila yang tak berfaedah..
Manchester Arndale if it can speak.. da bosan tgk muka couple ni.. tiap-tiap hari pi window shopping and of course shopping!

the best part is i got my present..thanks dear.. tapi, tak sempat nak explore lagi due to busy for preparing my exam.. so, maybe after exam i'll be get to use with my new gadget.

The special moment.. dapat pamerkan bakat memasak yang semulajadi.. got compliments lagi..hehe.. especially when i cooked kerabu taugeh! even used the desicated coconut but, the taste not much different.. erm..kerabu taugeh di manchester..:) nak buat macam mana, if balik kampung, i nak makan masakan umi, dia nak makan masakan ma.. so, tak sempat nak pamerkan bakat memasak..:)

thanks dear.. i really appreciate ur visit even u busy but manage to 'curi' ur time for me.. And all the best for both of us..

never give up in what ever you are doing!

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Waiting... still Waiting

I'm waiting for a loved one

He went away one day

He has to for his job

For the betterment in our old days

I'm waiting still for his return

I don't know when it will be

But I do know

I'll be waiting, and waiting, waiting..

And I'm still waiting..

May Allah ends my waiting

I do pray

The time will come


waiting wife..

Jan 4, 2009

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Crocs.. For Him and Her

Yay! Crocs for me and my husband..
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