Tuesday 27 January 2009

suffer ends

exam da habis!!
after exam, i went straight to picadilly for some shop (again..?)
this is so called post-exam-shopping. Hmm, shopping to release some of the tense
that is really burden and suffered my mind, body and soul.

Jane Norman, here i come.. I bought a plain reddish dress with elegant cuffling..wicked!:)
A'way, happy..

well, today is such long day.. after exam went to picadilly and did some shop and back to school attends my 1st class for this term.. it was concofocal microscopy for contact lens examination. the surprising thing is, the speaker is from Australia. in fact he was formely the course coordinator for Msc IOVS.. jeng jeng.. Nathan Efron, super duper specialist in contact lens..
hehe.. and i used some of his books as text books as well.. brilliant!

then after class went to Rusholme alone to have my lunch and dinner at the Chicken Cottage more or less is like KFC especially the original recepies. then, balik layan movie..
Bride Wars and Grey's Anatomy 5..

end of the long day with full of activities..

Friday 23 January 2009

Aku pohon dengan amat..

Ya Allah
Kuatkan la hati hambaMu dalam mengharungi
segala ujian dan cabaran yang datang
kuatkan lah semangat untuk meneruskan kehidupan ini

Ya Allah,
Aku pohon dengan amat
Agar aku tergolong dalam golongan yang engkau redhai

Ya Allah,
Berikanla kekuatan supaya aku tidak berhenti berharap dariMu,
Berikanla kekuatan untuk ku mengharungi ujianMu

Ya Allah,
Berikanla aku ketenangan jiwa
Berikanla aku peluang untuk berbakti
Kepada agamaMu, suamiku, kedua ibubapaku, keluargaku

Ya Allah,
Aku pohon kepadaMu untuk hamba yang soleh,
Isteri solehah
Anak solehah
Ibu mithali

Ya Allah
Kuatkan la dan tabahkan la hati hambaMu yang dhaif ini.

Thursday 22 January 2009

ends of waiting

smiley face.. :)

Alhamdulillah.. even only 7 seven days i had manage to spend them as meaningful and precious moments for my hubby and I.

7 days of full activities, dari semua segi..yang berfaedah sampaila yang tak berfaedah..
Manchester Arndale if it can speak.. da bosan tgk muka couple ni.. tiap-tiap hari pi window shopping and of course shopping!

the best part is i got my present..thanks dear.. tapi, tak sempat nak explore lagi due to busy for preparing my exam.. so, maybe after exam i'll be get to use with my new gadget.

The special moment.. dapat pamerkan bakat memasak yang semulajadi.. got compliments lagi..hehe.. especially when i cooked kerabu taugeh! even used the desicated coconut but, the taste not much different.. erm..kerabu taugeh di manchester..:) nak buat macam mana, if balik kampung, i nak makan masakan umi, dia nak makan masakan ma.. so, tak sempat nak pamerkan bakat memasak..:)

thanks dear.. i really appreciate ur visit even u busy but manage to 'curi' ur time for me.. And all the best for both of us..

never give up in what ever you are doing!

Sunday 4 January 2009

Waiting... still Waiting

I'm waiting for a loved one

He went away one day

He has to for his job

For the betterment in our old days

I'm waiting still for his return

I don't know when it will be

But I do know

I'll be waiting, and waiting, waiting..

And I'm still waiting..

May Allah ends my waiting

I do pray

The time will come


waiting wife..

Jan 4, 2009

Saturday 3 January 2009

Crocs.. For Him and Her

Yay! Crocs for me and my husband..
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