Yesterday, i went to EGM in response of Gaza crisis that was held in Manchester Academy. This meeting is basically to urge the Manchester Uni to have their says in Gaza crisis, particularly about the palestinian. The meeting was held at 1pm and it aims to gather around 500 people. However, some of the students were denied to get tru the building and in fact the clock wasn't at 1 pm yet..
Luckily for me after having the POTHD (Physiology of Ocular Tissue in Health and Disease) class, i was directly to the buliding and performed my Zuhr inside the building. Erm.. after 30 mins of waiting, suddenly one of students complaints abt the denial of student to enter and there's a big argument there between students and pro-jews. Here, i can see, jewish is really smart in manipulating and playing with words! Because of the argument, the meeting was cancel and people seems very unsatisfied with student union council.
After that, we are all decided to occupied the VC building in solidatary of Gaza crisis so that VC knows what we want. Below are basically the demands made by the students:
1) University of Manchester should issue a formal statement condemning Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, acknowledging particularly the effect on educational institutions such as the bombing of the Gaza Islamic University and expressing concern about war crimes allegations.
2) Support a day of fundraising proceeds to DEC
3) All furniture & surplus supplies from building that are being renovated to be sent to Gaza on the Viva Palestina convey..
4) Stop selling Israeli good on university premises
5) That the university divests from all companies involved at all in the arms trade & end all research with these companies on campus
6) University to publicise DEC advert in any way possible (including banner on the website) and put pressure on the BBC and sky to show the DEC advert.
There are still students in that building and in fact 60 students were overnight. And today, VC commands (with help by police) the students to leave the building at 5pm and till i wrote this (8.38pm), polices are blocked all ways to that building and once you out you cannot return and till now, probably some of students are straving because of no students are allowed to enter that building anymore. The interesting part is, i can see the integration of the students regardless of faith and race. In fact, they have very good plans to make fully used of the time when the occupied is running like debates, film showing on Gaza crisis and etc..
I've never had this experience before.. It's quite scarry but there's something i've learned!
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