Sunday, 7 June 2009

The first step...


We always afraid for the first step.. ikut la dalam apa-apa hal.. Mesti memakan masa yang lama untuk sesuatu permulaankan..kan-kan.. So do I, especially pabila bab-bab menulis ni..

Well the best way to start (as Sonia told me, as Henson told her) is to write down lots of subheadings to form your introduction of your thesis. for example, mine is like this:

Pupil size and Iris Colour
Pupil size and LASIK
Pupil size and Higher Order Aberration
pupil size and Drugs that influence
Pupil size and seasonal Variation

Once you've done that write bullet points under each heading so you get an idea of what to discuss Make sure you write journal names in the subheadings as well. Keep this as a plan on a separate sheet on the computer so you can keep looking back and tick things off (I highlight them a different colour after i've discussed it), and add any new ideas in the right places. It also helps you from getting confused about which paragraph goes where.

For ages I just did reading and added main points from the journals into the plan. Mine came to only few pages of bullet points coz it was stucked by flu and fever.. But it really helps because you can just easily expand these points afterwards (on a separate file because you dont want to ruin your plan - keep it as a reference!). I'm really glad Sonia gave me this idea because it really helps!

Try it!! Then you know...:)

yang telah dan terus melawan virus selsema nih!!

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