Thursday, 18 June 2009

Circle of mind..


Feel very dispointed with myself after reading few blogs that are really enlighten me.

I've got everything and capable of doing something yet produced nothing..

Terasa sangat kerdil dan jahil dalam melahirkan rasa syukur di atas apa nikmat yang telah diberikan..

Push the envelope now or never!!

“What is needed now is not a shining sword, but a very sharp mind” – Saying of A Sage

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

bicara diri..

Kadang-kadang diri ini banyak berfikir mengenai tujuan hidup. Memangla semua orang cakap ingin berjaya dunia dan akhirat, ingin mendapat kebahagian, kesenangan hidup dunia apatah lagi akhirat kelak...
Namun, practically.. have you done anythings to achieve those targets and aims? If yes, how you did that, was your action definitely towards your aims above or I did this because everyone did the same things.

Sejenak berbicara dengan diri.. Diri berkata,
"banyak lagi ilmu aku yang perlu dipelajari, benyak lagi perkara yang aku harus faham, banyak lagi perkara yang aku harus tumpu dan banyak juga perkara yang aku harus abaikan.."

Diri berbicara lagi..
"Aku harus pandai melihat keutamaan, kenal diri dan understand fundamental needed in myself"

Bukan diri ini tidak mengerti gelodak jiwa.. Ya, resah dan gelisah itu sentiasa ada.. Namun harapannya tidak buntu untuk mencari jalan keluar kepada permasalahan ini..

Saturday, 13 June 2009


Posted by PicasaSuatu petang yang dingin @ Whitworth Park

Friday, 12 June 2009

tak tertahan..

I'm missing someone.. I am indeed..

Ya Allah, semoga hambaMu dapat bertahan..


Thursday, 11 June 2009

Qurratul 'Ain..

I don't want to be a just normal wife to my beloved husband but i do want to be an
extraordinary wife that whenever he sad, he will smile if looking at me.. whenever he lost of words, i can help to continue the sentences, whenever he down, i could be a good supporter for him and whatever, where
ever or whenever the situations are, i will a good assistant for him.. Ameen..

I got this from this page.. I thought it would be very beautiful message that could be shared

Mari hayati pesanan isteri ‘Auf bin Muhlim Ashaibani kepada puterinya ketika hendak bernikah dengan al Haris bin Amr, raja negeri Kandah. Sewaktu utusan diraja hendak membawa pengantin untuk disampaikan kepada raja, ibunya berwasiat kepada anak perempuannya:

“Wahai anakku! Kalaulah wasiat ini untuk kesempurnaan adabmu, aku percaya kau telah mewarisi segala-galanya, tetapi ia sebagai peringatan untuk yang lalai dan pedoman kepada yang berakal.

Andai kata wanita tidak memerlukan suami kerana berasa cukup dengan kedua ibu bapanya, tentu ibumu adalah orang yang paling berasa cukup tanpa suami. Tetapi wanita diciptakan untuk lelaki dan lelaki diciptakan untuk mereka.

Wahai puteriku, Sesungguhnya engkau akan meninggalkan rumah tempat kamu dilahirkan dan kehidupan yang telah membesarkanmu untuk berpindah kepada seorang lelaki yang belum kamu kenal dan teman hidup yang baru. Kerana itu, jadilah 'budak' wanita baginya, tentu dia juga akan menjadi 'budak' bagimu serta menjadi pendampingmu yang setia.

Peliharalah sepuluh sifat ini terhadapnya, tentu ia akan menjadi perbendaharaan yang baik untukmu.

Pertama dan kedua, berkhidmat dengan rasa puas serta taat dengan baik kepadanya.

Ketiga dan keempat, memerhatikan tempat pandangan matanya dan bau yang diciumnya. Jangan sampai matanya memandang yang buruk daripadamu dan jangan sampai dia mencium kecuali yang harum daripadamu.

Kelima dan keenam, memerhatikan waktu tidur dan waktu makannya, kerana lapar yang berlarutan dan tidur yang terganggu dapat menimbulkan rasa marah.

Ketujuh dan kelapan, menjaga hartanya dan memelihara kehormatan serta keluarganya. Perkara pokok dalam masalah harta adalah membuat anggaran dan perkara pokok dalam keluarga adalah pengurusan yang baik.

Kesembilan dan kesepuluh, jangan membangkang perintahnya dan jangan membuka rahsianya. Apabila kamu tidak mentaati perintahnya, bererti kamu melukai hatinya. Apabila kamu membuka rahsianya kamu tidak akan aman daripada pengkhianatannya.

Kemudian janganlah kamu bergembira di hadapannya ketika dia bersedih atau bersedih di hadapannya ketika dia bergembira. Jadilah kamu orang yang sangat menghormatinya, tentu dia akan sangat memuliakanmu.

Jadilah kamu orang yang selalu sepakat dengannya, tentu dia akan sangat belas kasihan dan sayang kepadamu.

Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan dapat apa yang kamu inginkan sehingga kamu mendahulukan keredaannya daripada keredaanmu, dan mendahulukan kesenangannya daripada kesenanganmu, baik dalam hal yang kamu sukai atau yang kamu benci dan Allah akan memberkatimu.”

Credit to:


Sunday, 7 June 2009

The first step...


We always afraid for the first step.. ikut la dalam apa-apa hal.. Mesti memakan masa yang lama untuk sesuatu permulaankan..kan-kan.. So do I, especially pabila bab-bab menulis ni..

Well the best way to start (as Sonia told me, as Henson told her) is to write down lots of subheadings to form your introduction of your thesis. for example, mine is like this:

Pupil size and Iris Colour
Pupil size and LASIK
Pupil size and Higher Order Aberration
pupil size and Drugs that influence
Pupil size and seasonal Variation

Once you've done that write bullet points under each heading so you get an idea of what to discuss Make sure you write journal names in the subheadings as well. Keep this as a plan on a separate sheet on the computer so you can keep looking back and tick things off (I highlight them a different colour after i've discussed it), and add any new ideas in the right places. It also helps you from getting confused about which paragraph goes where.

For ages I just did reading and added main points from the journals into the plan. Mine came to only few pages of bullet points coz it was stucked by flu and fever.. But it really helps because you can just easily expand these points afterwards (on a separate file because you dont want to ruin your plan - keep it as a reference!). I'm really glad Sonia gave me this idea because it really helps!

Try it!! Then you know...:)

yang telah dan terus melawan virus selsema nih!!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Flu and Runny and Blocked Nose

yesterday, i've frequently got sneezing together with runny nose. It's sign form me usually.. but yesterday, i just hold it until my lunch as i wish to had budu with ikan singgan.. But, unfortunately my flu came faster than my wish.. so, there's no budu but i've got banyak pills and syrups to makan.. semalam.. sleep with blocked nose...

today, it's getting worse!! I just laid on my bed until got new pain i.e. back pain.. and nothing is done coz i'm too weak.. this is the most worst demam in UK.. i need my husband, my ummi..

luckily, i've got semangat from my husband.. Thanks dear.. He said:

halim: be strong dear...
halim: nak lawan selsema ni takleh ikut dia...
halim: kena kuat lawan
halim: mcm abg hr tu la
halim: 5 hr

hopefully, i'm getting better tomorrow... 5 days too long for me to have this inluenza.
Banyak kerja awaiting me.. :(

Alhamdulillah.. thanks Allah for giving this opportunity to feel pain and makes me realize that, i've been quite ignorant of my health lately and less syukur..
Moga2 flu ni dapat hapus my dosa dosa kecil..

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

What and how to measure?

Visage Cambridge Research System

I'm talking about my new project so called measuring the habitual pupil size and it's color. Well, it is obviously to looked if there any relation between pupil size and the iris colour despite to measure pupil diameter size on 2 different illuminations scotopic (<> 50 lux). Both of these need to be measured first prior data collection. 

Well, the problem is how to measure. Emm, today i was introduced a new instrument called Visage Cambridge Research System. Honestly it looks like an old monitor with weird stuff but it is very brilliant and wicked in measuring data with numerous stimuli that could be performance. Okay, just straight to the point, I somehow do not understand how it works!!!! Argghhh..

A'way, back to the methodology part.. what i need to measure are:
  1. Refractive error (to avoid bias as hyperopic tends to have smaller pupil compare to myopic)
  2. Pupil Size (needs to be done in 2 illuminations - i need figure out how to measure the lux so that it must represents the scotopic and photopic; what is the target, how and either to control illumination of the room or the monitor ataupun kedua2nyer skali)
  3. The Latency Pupil Reflex (a condition when stimulus (flash light) is given and the pupil reaches the maximum constriction)
  4. The Dynamic Pupil reflex (a condition when the pupil need to change from scotopic to photopic condition. How does it take? i think it must be in second)
  5. The Iris photo (i need to have tripod so that it helps me to produce good quality of pictures without flash so that iris grouping can be done precisely)
The problem is: How to command the Visage Cambridge Research System (HS video tracker tools nie) to follow what you need for the outcome???
  • Command tu kena, prepare betul2 what u need to measure and asked Henson how to do it..
  • Well, maybe for #2; u just need to set up in those 2 ills and measure them from very beginning till the last (the special about this alat, it got 250Hz digital camera: meaning that it can capture the 250 images in a second!!!) thus, bayangkan how many images would be captured if the duration pupil changes from sco to pho more than 3 minutes!!!) Such a waste data....
  • However, by doing that, u could measure accurately the pupil changing..:) ~ aim #3 and #4 accomplished!! BUT: i need it in form of chart.. then, need to figure out how to do that.. And a lot of analysis need to be carried out later... SPSS x install lagi..
How to categorized your data so that it produces a good quality of data even the results give no significant difference (satu benda lagi need to open the statistic book....)

And Pilot study needs to be held so that u know whether the instrument can provide what u want.. Is it follow all your hypothesis or expectation..

During this time, u need to look whether or this instrument measure the pupil dynamic and pupil latency..

Hmmm.. seems that lots and lots of stuff need to be carried out.. 

Salam fae..

Meet  u  again!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Our Special Day ~ Happy 2nd Anniversary dear..

Alhamdulillah.. 2 years i've been a wife of Mr WH.. I'm so honoured to be ur wife and very much thanks for what we have been go through together for all this while.. And I know it was not so easy for us to maintain the long distance relationship however we made up because we trusted to each other and i'll always trust, believe and support u always dear. As this is another year of our marriage, may it is always blooming and flourish every moments till death aparts.. 
I love u, abg...

Another year to create
precious memories together.
Another year to discover
new things to enjoy about each other.
Another year to build
a life rich in love and laughter.
Another year to strengthen
a marriage that defines "forever."

Happy Anniversary!

By Joanna Fuchs