After one and half year I left this blog, i think this is the right time for me to start again..
Soooo many thing happened for the past 1.5 years and most of them are happy moments..
to make it short, these are among the big moments that can be captured at the moment
- Got my MSc IOVS.. (finally dapat jugak..:)
- A month after that, me got pregnant.. (alhamdullillah..)
- 9 months after that, me got a cutey son, Mateen.. (the happiest thing..)
- 1 October 2010, me got kerja at Uni (rezeki mateen..)
- Me as a wife, a mommy and a teacher (still going on..and on...)
so, this is me after 1.5 years

Welcome back dear ;) Happy blogging