2 days ago i got msg tru YM saying that my beloved prince, hubby, abang will come here on 1 Jan at 11.45am.. So, without further delay, i already booked a room in Brittania.. And suddenly, there's come peculiar semangat berkobar-kobar to finish up my essay early so that i can prepare myself as well as plan my schedule. Moreover i'll have my first exam on 20, 26, and 27th Jan that carry 80% (ridiculus nyer.., kena score habis on final).
Thereore, a well and beautiful plan must be set up to make sure everything would be as planned so that there'll be always activities that we can spend together on such very limited time.. al-maklumla, long-distance marriage.. so, when there's time for us, maximise it..! quality is more paramount here rather than quantity..
However, in the mid-night i received his phone call saying that... (sad to express) he would not be able to come as tentative date and he has to delay his visit to manch. due to important job's waiting for him. So, he may be arrived here on 4th or 5th Jan..
Sedihnyer hati ini, tapi.. nasibla i mmg sentiasa bersedia dengan segala kemungkinan yang tiba.. being a wife of so called 'on -call-engineer' sometimes worse than on-call-doctor.. :(
But, life must be go on kan.. so, essay tetap buat dengan semangat! After difficulties finishing my essay today, supposedly i'm just waiting for him tomorrow, tapi.. Allah's plan more beautiful than His servant.. there's hikmahs beside that.. Only He knows better.. :)
Mr WH supposedly arrives here on new year eve... sedih kan..ish2.. terpaksala.. Mrs WH tidur dgn housemate di hotel yg telah dibooked!! ruginyer.... jangan convert into rm.. boleh beli
mcm2 da... it's okay anyway.. :) yer ker??
Mr WH, Mrs WH will be always waiting for you..
love u always..:)